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The Witching Hour

1:1 Spiritual Business Power Hours for entrepreneurs

1:1 Witching Hour - Power Hours

Perhaps you need a little more clarity, or you are feeling stuck in one area of your business. The Witching Hour power hours are designed with you in mind. Obviously, I am not able to solve everything with a wave of a wand, but I can offer my experience and insight to help you understand the issues that are affecting your business, whilst offering a blend of spiritual as well as practical assistance to help you reach your goals.

What Exactly Are Power Hours?

Power hours are simply 90-minutes of my time when you can sit with me and take advantage of my skills and knowledge, whether it’s for coaching or perhaps mentoring your spiritual business.


What You’ll Get When Booking A Witching Hour With Me

Every Witching Hour will look a little different – that’s because they are tailor-made to meet your needs as well as the requirements of your business. I can assist you in finding clarity and creating a plan of action, or I can help you find a new avenue for your work as you pivot your business. Working together, we will create an individualised session that is laser-focused on what actually needs your attention.

creative witch designs - how to build a spiritual business. The Witching Hour power hours

Your Witching Hour

  • Questionnaire to clarify our focus
  • 1 x 90-minute coaching call to work on a specific topic
  • Spiritual guidance with oracle cards
  • WhatsApp or email access for 7 days



Book Your Session

Simply schedule your session using the link above or below.


Short Questionaire

Let me know what you’d like to accomplish during our session.


Your Session

You’ll receive a link to our Google Meet via email. 



7 days post-session support,  via WhatsApp/email

By this time next week

You could have a whole new perspective & opportunities waiting for you.

Whether you want to test the waters with coaching before committing to a full program or just need a laser-focused chat – the Witching Hour is designed just for you.

It is my intention to add value so that you will get the most out of it. Giving you ideas and actions you can use to implement in your business in the future. 

Suggestions On How To Use
These Power Hours

Discover how to identify your niche & ideal clients

Gain help with a marketing strategy

Get ‘unstuck’ with a particular problem

Gain some clarity, focus & direction for your business

Soundboard issues or brainstorm ideas